

A clean home for a peaceful Ramadan

Keep your home fresh with practical and efficient cleaning tools. From laundry to sparkling floors, make every corner inviting for a more enjoyable Ramadan.

Maximize cleanliness with home essentials

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Design inspiration

Turn your closed outdoor space into a flexible laundry room

Turn your closed outdoor space into a flexible laundry room

Discover an affordable laundry solution that fits your closed outdoor room perfectly. JONAXEL can be customised to your space and personal needs and can fit even in the smallest of balconies!

A customised laundry room

A customised laundry room

TORPARÖ is a comfortable and flexible chair that fits perfectly on a small balcony. Why? Because it’s stackable, which means it’s easy to quickly free up space to do other things – like the laundry!

The mini laundry room

The mini laundry room

Tucked away behind two tiny doors is a laundry station that fits and functions in this small bathroom. The best part? Close the doors, and you won’t have to be reminded of the clothes.

Make laundry a part of your bathroom style

Make laundry a part of your bathroom style

Finish the laundry while you refreshing yourself is such a brilliant idea to make the laundry day more fun. See how this business man combines his bathroom and laundry room to save more space and time at once.

For fans of tidy freshness

For fans of tidy freshness

When you do laundry, you need a calm and tidy space to finish it in good mood. Let’s find the right drawer and wall shelves so you can make a comfy and organised laundry room.

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